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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Notes: October 15, 2024

Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Charlotte, Asabella, Magnus, Arnora, Geoffrey, Arnborn, Theresa, Gilchrist, Jean,


* Baronial Coronet: Come to Crown! And come to the Legion after Crown. We will have our actual real last court at the Legion to name our Archery and Bardic Champions.

* Chatelaine: Two new people at archery. We're invited back to the ren faire at which we did the demo next year, and we got 11 emails from interested people. We've also had some new people come because of the demo.

* Social Media Officer: An increase of scam bots have entered into our DMs. These are reported and deleted. If you are inviting people to join the group, they must answer all of the questions or they will be rejected. Commentary is given to those who are rejected as to why. I don’t make exceptions due to bots. No newer folks to my knowledge so no data regarding Meet-Up or FB Ads to report at this time. Perhaps Charlotte has other information. (Charlotte says no new people since Elysia.)

* Exchequer: Working on the Q3 numbers. Has the preliminary numbers from Haustblot, but doesn't have all the receipts yet. If you have any, please send them. We have slightly more money this year than last year at this time, but we also have some bills to pay that were already paid at this time. Need to pay the storage locker.

* Quartermaster: Nothing to report.

* Herald: Charlotte Almary’s Device - No conflicts or style issues have been found with her submitted device. Herald anticipates the device being approved soon. Rhys Ap Ismael Device - No conflicts or style issues found. The device will be entering the second round of review at the end of October. Herald anticipates the device will pass.

* Signet: Did a bunch of scrolls for Haustblot court.

* Chronicler: Next articles due Oct 25. This is Tatiana's last newsletter.

* Web Minister: One letter of intent. Keep sending in issues or problems with the website. Working on the new version of the website. Need to link to the new Boar's Head website.

* Minister of Arts & Sciences: Nothing to report.

* Knights Marshal: Fighters practices have been going on. No practice on Thursday Oct 17.

* Rapier Marshal: We had some authorizations at Haustblot. We're having practices. We have a new champion: Joseph.

* Archery Captain: Had about 20 archers at Haustblot, including eight throwing atl-atls. Practices continue on Sundays. This last week was the Baronial Championship, and Deandre was invited to be the new archery champion. Karl has been added to the list of Aquilla.

* Thrown Weapons Captain: We will probably have one more thrown weapons practice this year.

* Youth Combat: Wonder Steve broke his arm, so he'll be out for a little while. Jara's monthly youth practice is Sunday Oct 20.

* Seneschal: Nothing that won't be in the Tower.

* Minister of Youth (open):


* Haustblot (Tatiana): We went over the numbers during the Exchequer report. Asabella has given Tatiana her stuff back. Thank you to everyone who was able to help out since Tatiana was unable to attend. The breakfast was very well-received. It would have been good to know how many people to cook breakfast for in advance (had too much food), but they did break even.

* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Svena): Everything seems to be well in hand. St Johns received the deposit and insurance. Setup Friday at 4. They'll put down the mats. Gilchrist will have the stuff for the list setup execpt the sandwich boards which Arnbjorn will pick up. Need to put up chairs and tables and hang the banners. Reminder, we'll want to break down pretty quickly to move to the Legion. There's a signup sheet for the potluck. Combatants and Consorts can bring stuff on Friday night. Class of 2025 is providing lunch - need to get prices. Mysie is printing and donating programs. The moneyers guild has mailed the site tokens. Jean has the check stamp and a cashbox. He will drop it off Friday or hand it off to Magnus.

* Boars Head (Arthur, Asabella): We're coming along. A little behind, but mostly on track. Svena will publish that pre-reg and the website are available. Washington County Fair Parks is supposed to send an invoice by the beginning of November. Most of the positions have been filled. Nobody is listed as setup/teardown, but Arthur is handling that. Lunch will be catered. We will have a silent auction, and will need donations for that and Cookie Caper. (So far we have 29 donations.) Theresa is handling classes and artisan's row. Royalty Room handled by Deo and Arnbjorn. Theme will be something like 'festival of travelers', or Silk Road, or something like that. Or 'Return of the Feast'. Or no theme at all. Abelard can run youth combat. Baronial transition will happen in morning court.

* Advertising on Facebook : We haven't seen any traction from this yet.

* Baronial Transfer: Happening in morning court at Boar's Head. Looking for gifts for Their Majesties and Their Highnesses.

* CAM 50th: So far we've just had one person ask to join the discussion group. Will renew efforts after the holidays.

* New Fighting Site: Magnus got hold of the person in charge of the West Allis school district. They think two of the schools on the list are the best candidates - Pershing Elementary (off of Greenfield by the baseball stadium), where parking is a little ways down the street, and Walker Elementary, where the parking lot is right next to the entrance we would use. $25 per hour plus $15 to have someone there = $40 an hour for rental. Also made it down to the WMCC. There are ADA problems because there's a door that's too narrow and steps. The fighting space is also small - 36' x 27', and the ceiling is 10' high, and there's a post in the middle. There's probably enough room to have one fight on each side of the gym. They would be interested in discussing alternate fee arrangements. They would charge more than $100 a night. The way payment will work is that they will give them an estimated amount of time (six months, for instance) and then we put down a deposit of half of that. We don't expect we would use the site in the summer when we can be outside or on holidays or during school holidays. Should find out the policy about cancelling. It will take a couple weeks to get it started. Magnus can get the questions answered tomorrow and get this started. Let's book through the end of May. We made a motion to try the Walker Elementary school, voted, and passed.


* 2025 Planning Meeting – Set date in November: How about November 12? If you have ideas about what you'd like to see happen next year, start writing them down.

* Applications for Offices: Web Minister: Abelard has put his name in. Discussed, moved, voted, passed.

* Social Media Officer: LOI are due today, no LOI yet, will ask for LOI next month.

* Knights Marshal: LOI are due today, no LOI yet, will ask for LOI next month.


Brewers & Vintners Guild- hiatus

Shop Night- Randall’s-Tuesdays

Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment

A&S Night – 1st, 2nd, 4th Tuesdays

Bead Making – Mondays at the Roost

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