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Writer's picturePaul Knappenberger

Curia Notes: September 17, 2024

Present: Abelard, Ysolt, Arnbjorn, Magnus, Arthur, Geoffrey, Rhys, Theresa, Albrecht, Charlotte, Sibillia, Gilchrist, Eva, Tatiana, Jean, Svena, Asabella, Randall, Kateryn, Katie.


Baronial Coronet: We have a new King and Queen, all hail Thora and Thorbrandr! Their Majesties have chosen Tatiana and Geoffrey as the new Baron and Baroness of Caer Anterth Mawr! Changeover at Boar's Head in morning court. Also, Jararvellir is Joya and James the Elder and Windhaven is Helgulfr and Eysteinn. We will have Baronial and a Regency Court at Haustblot, as well as Baronial Championships. (Except archery, which will be held on Sept 22 at KK River Parkway.) Send in award recommendations!

* Chatelaine: Thank you to everyone who was able to help with the demo! We have had Nick and Trevor who came to us from word of mouth and Kelsey who came to us from MeetUp.

* Social Media Officer: The ad is running.

* Exchequer: We have some things to pay, like insurance for Haustblot and Boar's Head and an event ad for Boar's Head in the December Northwatch.

* Quartermaster: Organized the storage unit - he, Svena, and Magnus put up some shelves, and got things off the ground. Haven't gotten requests to get any equipment out of the unit for Haustblot or Boar's Head.

* Herald: Three things (two devices and a name) are working their way through the system. Last call for awards for Boar's Head!

* Signet: Working on scrolls for Haustblot.

* Chronicler: Working on the new Tower. Office is open - there's an LOI.

* Web Minister: Trying to maintain the website and get the new one up and running. Need to fill the office.

* Minister of Arts & Sciences: We continue to have fiber and scribal meetings at the coffee shop, and there's been some talk about having a group meet up at Marquette.

* Knights Marshal: We will have big lights on Thursday for practice.

* Rapier Marshal: Nothing to report.

* Archery Captain: Last week was our last outdoor weekday practice. We now have Sunday practices alternating between KK and Menomonee. Baronial Archery Champion Shoot on Sept 22 at KK. We have loaner gear. Come out and join us! Champion shoot will be a modification of the Pennsic Popluace Shoot.

* Thrown Weapons Captain: We will have practice on September 22 at KK at noon, and scores can be pushed through to the Thrown Weapons Championship at Haustblot.

* Youth Combat: No kids lately, but perhaps we will have some soon.

* Seneschal: Things seem to be going okay!

* Minister of Youth (open)


* Haustblot (Tatiana): Haustblot is coming up quickly. Everything should be where it was last year. Camping in the upper meadow as well as down on the main level (just past the parking lot, behind the cabins). If anyone is bringing an RV or sleeping in their vans make sure Tatiana knows. Samii is working on the feast. Asabella needs help with Gate - needs more people on Saturday. Site opens at 9 on Friday, Gate opens on 10. No driving on the grass. Alcohol is allowed, but not as a bar. Please send schedules to Geoffrey to update the website. There will be Baronial and Regency courts.

* Renaisance Faire Demo (recap): Thank you to Gilchrist, Magnus, and Svena for collecting the supplies to make everything look cool. The site was arranged so that people were funnelled to us. We had a popup with A&S and pottery, Jean's great tent, and fighting. We collected 11 emails and handed out 64 flyers. Things to improve for next year: We'll need a water cooler, we had a lot of people not available because of the schedule conflict. We would love to couple both days, and potentially two weekends (if they extend it) next year. There's lots of room to grow.

* Fall Crown 2024 (Arnbjorn & Svenya): Now that Coronation is done we can ramp this up. Sibillia will coordinate gate and will want volunteers. Reached out to Kingdom Officers to find out what we need from storage, and will get a list to Gilchrist. Followed up to Dwayne to see if the senior class wants to do a lunch fundraiser again. Need to get a check for the site payment to St Johns by October 1. Website is as up to date as the information we have on it. We hope to have a list of combatants and consorts soon. We want to really promote this event.

* Boars Head (Asabella and Arthur): We have a proposal for feast. $1 upcharge for venison (as opposed to pork / chicken). Royalty and incoming and outgoing Baron and Baroness are comped. Feast is $15 at the door. $3 discount during pre-reg. Children under 12 eat free with adult purchase (one kid per adult). Anything we can prepare ahead of time is definitely the way to go. The outlets are a concern. (She said she didn't need the outlets.) We already have volunteers to wash dishes. If we're going to use nescos, get the liners. Planning to move gate back to the lobby because it's too crowded next to the kitchen. Arthur called the site to ask about the kitchen and they think it's all fine. The hot water heater doesn't stay hot for long, but we can use an immersion heater or the stoves to generate hot water for washing dishes. Motion to accept the feast bid was voted and passed. If you want the event ad to run in the November Northwatch, the deadline is this Friday so get it in now. Theme - maybe trade route or silk road. The people who did lunch last year are willing to do it again, with the caveat that the kitchen sucks so the menu might be smaller. Jara would like to have a choir practice (as a class), and we'd need a place for that; we could do it in the hallway or in the classroom if we can clear it of classes for an hour or back in the niche where lunch will be set up as long as the timing works out. We really need someone to run gate, too.

* Advertising on Facebook – We renewed, should keep track of if it is getting us people:

* Baronial transfer: Their Majesties have selected Geoffrey and Tatiana to be the new Baron and Baroness, and they will step up in morning court at Boar's Head. Abelard and Ysolt will work with them to coordinate a hand-off of property.

* CAM 50th: Talk to Arnbjorn. It's a year away!

* New Fighting Site: Arthur has placed some calls and emails to the West Allis schools and is waiting for a response. We've been asking some questions of the Wisconsin Medieval Combat Center which we need answered. The way it works is that each person signs up as a member for $30 per month, and we calendar ourselves in. What about people who come to hang out and not to fight? How do we deal with infrequent guests? How do we deal with new people? What happens with people who start mid-pay-period? What about youth combat? Is there a minimum of people they're expecting from us? Maybe the Barony buys a number of spaces a month to be temp spaces? We're not sure how the $30 pays into their insurance. We would be required to sign their waiver form. Corpora says that we can't charge for fighter's practice (no pay to play). Maybe we can negotiate a flat fee to cover non-fighters? Is there a reduced price for longer membership? Can we negotiate a larger number of people at a lower rate? Maybe guarantee 12 @ $25 each, 15 @ $20 each, or something. Or, can we give them a flat rate per month? Can they accept our insurance? Is it wheelchair accessible? Lots of questions to answer!


* Applications for Offices:

* Chronicler: LOI from Arnbjorn. Motion to accept Arnbjorn as Chronicler, voted, approved. Office changes in December.

* MOAS: LOI from Deonysia. Motion to accept Deonysia as MOAS, voted, approved. Office changes in December or January.

* Archery Captain: LOI from Arnbjorn. Motion to accept Arnbjorn as Archery Captain, voted, approved. Office changes in December.

* Web Minister: We have one LOI, waiting to see if a second one comes in. LOI due by next month.


Brewers & Vintners Guild- on hiatus.

Shop Night- Randall’s-Tuesdays.

Woodworking- Armond’s by appointment.

A&S Night – 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tuesdays of the month.

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